It finally appears that spring is here! It is about time, the boys were definitely going stir crazy this winter. I was hoping to keep this updated more, but of course feel to the way-side again, but not much has changed since Christmas! The biggest change we have so far is that Kanin is now registered for Kindergarten. I am still very skeptical about this, but hope that he will do fine! When we went for registration he was so shy, and didn't want to go to the classroom with the teachers and other kids, but I know once he gets to know them it will be better, it didn't help that he was tired because he had been up at 0515 for daycare that morning.
Korbyn is still working on potty training. He is a stubborn lil bugger!!
Not much has changed with me, I am busy working and chasing after the boys as usual! Also working on planning their birthday party! They will have a double party this year and they are looking forward to going swimming with their friends!!
Of course the next big things are the boys' birthdays!! Korbyn will be 3 in 8 days! So had to believe! Then Kanin will be 5 at the end of May! Where does time go!
Right now we are staying with mom and dad because they had to gut the bathroom in our apartment. Looks like by the time they are done, we will have an almost new bathroom!!
Hope this spring and Easter season finds everyone well! I know we are looking forward to the snow and mud being gone so we can play outside in the dry weather and eventually go swimming!!