Hard to believe that my little man will be 2 in a few weeks!! Where has the time gone!! I went from a scare of pre-term labor to him being stubborn with the threat of induction to him deciding to come the night before induction and then ending in yet again another c-section because he had to be his stubborn self and be breech...pretty sure mommy was not impressed...I know I said at least one bad word in the process of labor and it was not because of the contractions, it was because I found out he was breech and I would not get the VBAC I dreamed of! In the end I ended up with a health 9 lb baby boy who had the cord wrapped around his neck, guess he knew what the safest way out was!
I am having lots of fun planning his party as we are going out of town to a motel so we can go swimming and have a fun time with all our friends and family!! We can't wait!!
It's hard to beleive he'll be 2!!! Crazy stuff. Can't wait to see him on his birthday.