Our Family

Our Family
Kanin, Korbyn & Tina

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dancing boy

Check out the video here of Kanin dancing! It is supposed to be Katy Perry's Hot N Cold....but he repeats change your mind like a girl, over and over again!!

Where does he get the energy!?!?

Well both of them at that, but Kanin...the boys has more energy than the Energizer bunny. He is so strong headed and so strong willed, I just don't know where he gets it from?!? LOL!

He could argue the same topic with you until you give up, even though he is wrong!!

Take this morning for example!

Kanin (singing) Rudolph the nose red reindeer

Me: Honey, its Rudolph the red nose reindeer

No mommy its not, its rudolph the nose red reindeer

Okay I could go on..but this was at least a 15 minute conversation back and forth until I just gave up!! LOL!

Here is another one.....

Kanin: (singing once again) Turn off the radio
Me: Hey buddy it's turn on the radio
Kanin: No its not mommy it's turn off the radio
Korbyn: turn ON the radio
Me: Yes Korbyn you are right
Kanin: No mommy I am right and you guys are wrong it's turn off the radio

This too was a good 10-15 minute discussion

Today at dinner, I made them grilled cheese sandwiches

Kanin: Mommy i don't like them, they are besugsting
Me: No they are not disgusting honey
Kanin: It's besugsting and yes they are mommy
Me: Just try a bite and eat your lunch so you can take a nap
Kanin: But is besugsting mommy...
Me: Just eat (and he did...lol!)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Oh the mind of a 4 1/2 year old.

Kanin: Mommy, why do we have a heart?
Mommy: To keep your body going
K: Well I don't want a heart
M: You need it so you can do things
K: Well I don't want to do anything
M: You will probably miss it if you don't have
K: Well mommy I'm just gonna take it out because I don't want it

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Letters to Santa 2010

The boys and I just sat down and wrote out their letters to Santa....They have quite the wishes for Christmas!!


The Back of his letter

The front, and it says...
Dear Santa
I'm Kanin. I'm 4. I've been good this year. I wanta Bobcat with a pedal. Merry Christmas Love Kanin


Back of Korbyn's letter

Front of Korbyns letter, and it says
Dear Santa, I'm Korbyn. I'm 2. I've been a good boy this year. I want presents and a cheeseburger and chicken nuggets. Merry Christmas. Love Korbyn

Yes Korbyn asked for a cheeseburger and chicken nuggets! LOL!!

And a parting shot..the boys working on their letters!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Halloween 2010

This entry has been a long time coming, I think about writing it, then sit down to do it and get distracted.

The boys had fun on Halloween, well, Korbyn, I can't say that for sure, because the poor kid would not talk to anyone, and when I say anyone, I mean it. Not me, Uncle Josh, Aunt Kristin, grandma, great grandma or Bumpy. He did say to one person, "I'm Elmo!" Yup Mr talkative there!

But boy did they make off like bandits! They received way too much candy, we will still probably have 1/2 if not more of it come next Halloween! Now off to the fun stuff, their pictures!

Brothers for life!

Elmo aka Korbyn

DASH aka Kanin

Korbyn and his masterpiece

Kanin and his masterpiece

Thursday, November 4, 2010

School Today

Well school today went well for Kanin! It was the first thing I asked the teacher. She did say that you can tell when he first comes how the day will go, and she said today he was calm and collected thus he had a good day. She said if he is rambunctious when he gets there it will usually be a 'busy' day for him!

I am just relieved that today was good!!


Kanin has been scared a lot lately. Of what I am not too sure. When Sunday school started, he missed the first day because he was with his dad. So the next week I took him and he loved it and was all excited to come home and tell me all about it! He told me how they learned to pray at meal time, in his words, "just like we do at bedtime mommy". So needless to say that day for dinner and supper we said their bedtime prayer at mealtime too!

Because they go to Fargo every other weekend, he only gets to go to Sunday school every other Sunday. Well the next 2 Sunday's he was supposed to go to Sunday School, he cried and held onto me for dear life begging to go because he was scared. Of what, I am not too sure, as he would not tell me.

So that brings us to Preschool this Tuesday. Grandpa was taking him to school, and half way there, he started sobbing hysterically, saying he was scared and didn't want to go to school. He wouldn't tell Grandpa what he was scared of. So he just ended up missing a day of school and going to daycare. When I went to pick them up from mom and dad's that night, he and I sat down and talked. When I asked him what he was scared of, he said the snow. He told me the snow at the school scared him. When I asked why, he said because. Mind you, this is the kid that will usually play outside all day long, no matter what the weather!

Now today when I took him to school, there was no fighting, no crying, nothing. As we were walking up to the door, he told me the snow was all gone so he wasn't scared anymore. When I asked where the snow was he pointed to the left (direction of the church on the opposite side of the school). So it is not like the snow was blocking the windows of the school or anything, so I have no idea.

So here I sit on pins and needle nervous, hoping he has a good day in school!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sara Evans - A Little Bit Stronger

This song seems to say a lot about me. The kids and I have been through so much the last 2+ years. So many days I feel so weak, but I look at my 2 amazing little boys and try to be strong. I know I need to be strong for them, and this has kept me going. I feel like I have fallen into that slump again, but as before, I will pull through stronger than I was before.

Monday, October 25, 2010

4 & 2 year well check up's

Kanin and Korbyn had their 4 year and 2 year check ups in Bismarck with Dr Twogood today. Both are healthy as can be and don't have to go back for a year, though we will have to go back in closer to 9 months, because Kanin will need to get his Kindergarten shots!

Here is a quick rundown of their stats!!

43# (84% for his age)
44 1/4" (95%, go figure!)

34# (88%)
37" (77%)

So looks as if I am going to have 2 big boys on my hands!! As for their picky eating habits he said they are obviously doing fine, so just keep on working with them and make sure they are making healthy choices, and in all honesty, they are pretty good at that on their own! Shoot, Korbyn would choose milk over anything else 9 times out of 10, and this is pretty funny, considering he couldn't have any lactose products for the first 14-15 months!! You know, is is a confusing kid like that...he also LOVED his swing as a baby, and ever since he out grew it he has HATED the swings at the park...lol!!

WE had a great, but pretty wet day in Bismarck! Thanks to Grandma for joining us, we had a great time!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Potty training

Well we have been on the potty training venture for just about a week now. It is going pretty good. Yesterday was probably our worse day of all. He has even been waking up from naps dry, as long as i potty him before hand...Hopefully we can get this down pat and get him pooping in the potty a lot sooner than Kanin did! He is excited to wear his Elmo and Cookie Monster underwear, but mommy isn't quite brave enough...it's still pull-ups for now.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Answer's from my kids...

Most Answers are from Kanin 4 years old

1. What is something mom always says to you?
ummm, ummm....Kanin Robert

2. What makes mom happy?
being big boy

3. What makes mom sad?
be naughty

4. How does your mom make you laugh?
tickle me

5. What was your mom like as a child?
you went to school

6. How old is your mom?
ummm, 2, your 2

7. How tall is your mom?
'lifting his hand up past his head' This big, this big

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
doing a game

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
you do stay with Korbyn

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
umm, um, i can't bemember

11. What is your mom really good at?
at tickling

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

12. What is your mom not very good at?
umm, putting me in time out

13. What does your mom do for a job?
get somebody a shot

14.What is your mom's favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of your mom?

16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
Handy Manny

17. What do you and your mom do together?
um, play

18. How are you and your mom the same?
both of us are the same

19. How are you and your mom different?
you're a girl mommy, i'm a boys

20. How do you know your mom loves you?
to the moon and back

21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
okay sorry, we skipped this one...

22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Are you ready for some Football!??!

So on Friday night, mom, dad, Kanin, Korbyn and I walked down to the High School football game (about 3 blocks from my place and there's). As soon as we get there Kanin starts yelling, "Go Vikings".....oops looks as if I need to take him to a few more High School sports, as our team name is Carrington Cardinals, not quite the Vikings....guess we watch more NFL than I thought, and sad thing is we don't watch it very often!

Hope you all have a happy Sunday and remember, GO VIKINGS! Yes, we will probably be watching this afternoon!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So sickness has hit the house again...seems that when it happens we get a couple of spurts close together then we are free and clear for awhile. About 2 weeks ago Kanin came back from his dads house with a fever that lasted 2 days. Then 2 days later, Korbyn had a fever and was throwing up in daycare, but his fever was gone by that night. Now last night/this morning Kanin woke up throwing up at about 4:25 am. Of course all the commotion in the bedroom woke Korbyn up, but he managed to go back to sleep.

He still complains of a upset tummy at times but has been playing off and on through the morning. He did manage to eat a little toast and some fruit snacks later in the morning. We shall see how the day goes!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


There is nothing better then having your children come running up to you after a weekend away and giving you the biggest hug ever and not wanting to let go!!

Grandma picked the boys up today and Kanin came to the apartment window and yelled in to me and told me he had a new car seat! So I went outside to see them and he met me in the hall and gave me the BIGGEST hug and told me to come with him. So outside we went and I stepped onto the grass and when Korbyn saw me, he he yelled, "MOMMY" and came running up to me. I picked him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck, and would not let go!! He stayed like that until we got into the house. I LOVE it!! I miss them so much when they are gone!!!

I hope you enjoy the picture I posted, it is compliments of Anita and Running 4 Country Smiles! We had a blast and I can't wait to share more pictures, but I myself haven't had time to go through the disk and ALL the pictures on it!! There are a lot of them!! And each and everyone of them are great!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

1st Combine Rides!!

Uncle Josh and his Father-in-law Don were kind enough to take the boys on their first combine ride on Tuesday night!! They LOVED it and can't wait to go back during the corn harvest!!

Thank you Don and Josh!!!

Here are some pics of their fun evening!!

Up Kanin goes!!

Up Goes Korbyn with Uncle Josh!

Away they go!!!

They even got to help dump the beans into the grain cart (twice) and Kanin was so proud he got to push the buttons!!

Headed back to mom!

Ant they are done...and very tired! Both crashed on they way back home!!!!

Thank you!!

I just wanted to give a BIG THANK YOU to everyone for their support on my last entry. I just felt the need to voice my thoughts/feelings. You all are just too sweet!! Thank you again!!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Single Motherhood

So I know this is our Family Blog, but today I feel the need to come on here and post something for me.

Having been a single mother for the last 27 months or so I have learned a lot. One thing I have learned is that single motherhood (parenthood) is not for the weak, it is the toughest 'job' I have ever had. Not just in bad ways either. There are a lot of high points and low points. I do know that if someone had told me before I got pregnant with my boys that I would be a single mother I would not have changed the outcome. I love my 2 little boys with all my heart. They make me who I am. I have always wanted to be a mother and they make me happy time and time again!

One of the toughest parts I find of being a single mother is discipline. Discipline is so hard for me, I know a parent can't always be a child's best friend (though Kanin tells me pretty much everyday that I am his best friend). I feel that discipline is needed to grow strong, well mannered children.

Another tough part is sharing events. Funny as it sounds I dislike not having someone to look over to and talk too at the end of a fund day or event. Take tonight for example, the boys got their first combine rides. I loved seeing the excitement on their face when we got there and when they got off the combine, but sitting here alone tonight, I have no one to share the story with.

Jobs are hard when you are a single parent also. Mainly because you can only work certain hours, because you have to take into consideration, who is going to watch the kids, how they are going to get the sleep they need (if one were to say work 2-10:30 and you had to pick the up at daycare take them home to bed and get them up in the morning for daycare) etc. Because of that I have not been able to take 2 jobs that I would have loved! Of course, my boys come first and always will, since the day I found out I was pregnant with Kanin I come second, my children come first.

Another, probably the toughest is having to drop my boys off every other weekend. People keep telling me it gets easier, but I think they are fooling themselves, or at least me. It has been 2 years since I had to start doing this and it has yet to get easier, in fact, some weeks it is harder than it was in the beginning. This includes Holidays, which some can be extremely tough with others just like a normal weekend.

Enough with the negative, though those are not completely awful.

One of the greatest things about being a single mother is the fact that I get all the hugs, kisses and love from my boys all day long! I can't tell you how many times a day my kids will come up and just give me a kiss, hug and/or tell me they love me!! Each and every time they do it, it melts my heart!

Another is being able to pick up and leave and go out of town whenever we want! Before I would feel guilty because my ex was working and we were off having a good day at the zoo, shopping, etc. But now, we can just go whenever we want without the guilt, but then this leads to the one negative, no one to come home to and share stories about the day with.

I also love how excited my kids get when they do something new or just want to share a story. Kanin gets so excited about things and gives you his full on attention when telling you a story about school, daycare, or anything and expects your full on attention too (you have to watch the facial expressions and the talking hands to get the full extent of the story, lol!). I love that I can enjoy these special moments with the boys.

Of course being a single mother has been made easier with the loving support of our wonderful family and great friends. I do know that if they were not here for us, I would not have made it this far, nor would have the boys. And for that I can't THANK them enough.

With that I will end this, it feels good to let my feelings out and known, I know not many people read this, but stills feel good to get them out.

Funny how I said I wanted to keep this up, yet, I haven't once again. Maybe this time I will....If I get off track again, give me a swift kick in the butt and I will get back at it!

We will start at the beginning....

Me, I am the same as usual. Busy working and taking care of the boys. Took a slight cut in hours at work due to low census status, but everyone did. Hope we an make it up soon, but we just don't have a line of people waiting at this time to be admitted to the home....

Kanin, he is in Preschool and seems to be doing well. He is still busy as usual and rarely sits still for any extended period of time, he always has to be doing something! He also goes to Sunday School everyother Sunday. He has only gone once so far (tried to take him this Sunday and he cried and cried and wouldn't let Korbyn and I leave without him.

Korbyn he is busy as usual too. He seems to be just as busy as his brother. He is defiantly in the full blown terrible 2's. As well as being in a super whiny stage at the same time. He wants to go to school with Kanin all the time again, so hopefully next year I will put him in pre-school!

Both boys are growing like weeds and have pretty much outgrown all their pants, thankfully for Kanin we picked up pants the next size up so he has some...looks as if my little Korbyn will be in 3T's! Kanin is in a 5T or even a 6! It is crazy shopping in the Boy's section for Kanin instead of the Toddler!!

Until next time....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2 Years ago

Two years ago I gave birth to a wonderfully amazing little boy! Korbyn made his stubborn entrance into the world via c-section on my induction day. I was scheduled to be induced on 4-14 because my hospital does not allow VBAC's if you go over due and my due date was 4-16. The day of the 14th Kanin and I spent with my mom playing at the park and having supper at the Chieftain, all the while I was having sporadic contractions and not paying much attention to them. Finally about midnight that night, I decided it was time to head to Bismarck. After my arrival they decided I he was breech (and I had dilated to 7 the last time they checked me). So off to another c-section.

He was stubborn then, and continues to be so now! I would not trade him in for the world!! If it weren't for my 2 boys, I don't know where I could be after crazy 2 hears I have had!

Can't believe 2 years has passed! It is crazy!! He is talking so much more, though most people still have a hard time understanding him!! He is still missing this front middle tooth. I did have him to the dentist once to check it out but he would not sit still for an x-ray. So i may try to take him back sometime in the next few months!

He defiantly does well running around and keeping up with his brother! As for defending himself, it is no issue anymore..someday's I have to ask myself who is the big brother, because Korbyn can dish it right back!!

We are looking forward to heading to Bismarck this weekend to celebrate with family and friends, but until then, enjoy a few pictures from today!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Beds!!

Well a HUGE THANKS to Bapa (aka dad) the boys have moved into their new bunk beds!! They love them, as do I! They are a PITA to make but oh well!! Naptime has been horrid for them, primarily Korbyn (so much that it resulted in a bump in the head today from me putting him in the bed...man did I/do I feel awful about it!).

Along with the new bed came problems though! When I went to move Kanin's bed on Friday night to clean out under it, I found water on the floor (the landlord had been buy earlier in the evening and asked if I had any because there had been problems). So I would say not quite a quarter of their floor had water on it by the time Sunday rolled around. Today is the first day it is dry, so hopefully on Friday I can completely put their room back together!!

So to end this, I will add a couple more pictures! One of each of them sleeping..too cute to pass up!

*OKAY* so I have no clue how to get the picture where I want them...grr..I wanted them at the end and the showed up at the top...even if I click behind my last text they show up on top!! GRRR!!! Oh well...hope it is readable for you all!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring has Sprung!!

Finally spring has arrived!! The boys and I spent the better part of 2 hours at mom and dad's house playing outside, on the swings, on their 'bikes' and out for a little walk! We had so much fun and were all tired out when we got home!! Grandma and mommy included!!!

Here are a few pictures of our fun day!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Almost Birthday time!

Hard to believe that my little man will be 2 in a few weeks!! Where has the time gone!! I went from a scare of pre-term labor to him being stubborn with the threat of induction to him deciding to come the night before induction and then ending in yet again another c-section because he had to be his stubborn self and be breech...pretty sure mommy was not impressed...I know I said at least one bad word in the process of labor and it was not because of the contractions, it was because I found out he was breech and I would not get the VBAC I dreamed of! In the end I ended up with a health 9 lb baby boy who had the cord wrapped around his neck, guess he knew what the safest way out was!

I am having lots of fun planning his party as we are going out of town to a motel so we can go swimming and have a fun time with all our friends and family!! We can't wait!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I did it!!!!

Well I got my first tattoo yesterday!! I love it!! I wanted something that had meaning and as soon as I saw this, I loved it and when I saw what it represented, I knew it was mine...lol! So here it is!! It is located on my upper back/lower neck area! I will post a better picture once it is healed. It is colored in pink but almost looks orange due to my reddened skin as the picture was taken roughly 5 minutes after it was done!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Conversations with toddlers!

Conversation with the boys this morning at bathtime....Me (to Korbyn): come on naked baby lets go take a bath....Kanin: I want to make a baby...Me: WHAT?!?!?...Kanin: I want to make a baby.....Me: No, I said Come on Naked Baby....Kanin: I'm naked too....Oh the minds of toddlers....I could write a book!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Success has been achieved!!

After a year and a half of awful sleep patterns, Kanin is finally sleeping in his bed full time! He falls asleep asleep in his bed and stays there all night long!!! I never thought this day would come!! It is so nice not getting kicked out of my own be literally, as he is a very rough sleeper and tosses and turns every which way!

Korbyn will soon be converted to a toddler bed and the next step will be bunk beds, which Kanin is so excited for (and was my 'bribe' to get him to sleep in his bed....lol, he wants to climb the ladder!!!!)

Hope this finds everyone well!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Early Potty Training?!?

The last few weeks Korbyn has been wanting to use the 'potty'. It started with him having to use it at bathtime and has progressed on to him wanted to use it more and more. So e will sit on their pretty much every diaper change. He pees on their a little every time and has pooped a little 2 times also!! I never would have guess that I would be 'potty training' him (or should I say him potty training me) before he was 2! I even managed to find some 'LaLa" (Elmo) underwear for him! I am off the next 3 days so plan to try to work with him a bit more and see what happens!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bedtime Success

After a year and a half of Kanin not going to sleep in his bed, the last 2 nights and naptime yesterday he has fallen asleep in his own bed! Hopefully this will stick and I won't have to carry him to bed anymore! he is getting too heavy! I told him that if he started sleeping in his bed like a big boy that when Korbyn starts sleeping in a bed I will buy them bunk beds and he can sleep up top!! He is pretty excited about that!!

Now if only I could get him to sleep through the night....he was up before midnight last nigh with bad dreams, and his feet hurting....we will see what tonite brings.....he is an awful bed hog!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Here we go!

Well I am figuring this out! Hopefully I will be able to keep it updated!! I plan on sending the link out to everyone today so then I suppose I will have to keep it updated...lol!! Hope you enjoy!!

Here is a picture to end it with...See they do like each other....sometimes!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Movin on over now!

Okay so now I should start using the boys' site here! The site I had been using for them before is closing :( (But luckily I am able to get it all on a flash drive for a small cost)!

I should be back in the next few days to update and reorganize since I have neglected this in the past!!